Finding a causation is our ultimate goal!

No matter the industry, and no matter the equipment, from product liability to energy to oil and gas systems, we are able to assist you with finding the cause of equipment failures.

FE2, LLC is an engineering firm providing solutions to risk managers in the general insurance industry and expert testimony to law firms. We provide loss investigation to minimize underwriting risk; we also follow through with failure analysis and forensic engineering services, if needed, by providing professional engineering services in several disciplines. 

some cool facts

Numbers speak for themselves

Losses and Counting
Years of International Experience
Losses valued up to ($Millions)

Quality comes first! We make sure that every minute detail is looked into while we investigate even the smallest of failures. Our focus is 100% on the cause of failures.

Experienced TEAM

Our team of experts possess an extensive knowledge in a variety of industries.  This vast knowledge allows us to provide accurate and complete conclusion of the equipment failures.


Quality in our investigation and opinions are of the utmost importance.  Without a focus on quality, the customers final decisions and directions are compromised and may not have a successful completion.


We are the Professional Engineers able to assist with your loss.


Need help with a failure or loss? We are experts!